
Class times

Period Time
Form 8.50am to 9.00am
Period 1 9.00am to 10.10am
First Break 10.10am to 10.50am
Period 2 10.50am to 12.00pm
Period 3 12.00pm to 1.10pm
Second Break 1.10pm to 1.50pm
Period 4 1.50pm to 3.00pm

Warning Bell sounds 5 minutes prior to start of classes before school and First/Second Break.


Whole School Assembly is held each Wednesday morning at 8:45am in the Sports Stadium.  Students are expected to wear their formal uniform - Parents Welcome! A separate Year Level Assembly is held at 8:45am on the following mornings:   Monday - Year 7's and Year 8's, Tuesday - Year 9's and Thursday - Year 11 and Year 12's at 8:45am.

Last reviewed 01 April 2020
Last updated 01 April 2020