Year 7 Virtual Transition
Welcome to the Year 7 transition portal. If you haven’t already I encourage you to access the ‘enrolment’ tab of our website to access an expression of interest form and to read other important information regarding enrolling at Highfields State Secondary College.
On this site you will find a virtual parent information video. This video presentation provides the same key information as presented during the Year 7 Information Evening.
Below you will also find the names of some key people involved in the transition program at Highfields State Secondary College. Please feel free to contact any member of the transition team should you have any questions.
A virtual walkthrough of the College has also been provided. College Tours can also be booked through the office. In Term 4 students will have an opportunity to visit the College and see the facilities and meet staff in person. A link to the BYOD portal should assist parents to access all required information in regard to this program.
Thank you for expressing an interest in enrolling your child at Highfields State Secondary College and we look forward to you joining our College community.

Transition Presentation


Jodie Brumpton
Enrolment Officer.

Christine O'Connell
Guidance Officer for Year 7.

Karen Schoemaker
Year Coordinator, Year 7 Teacher.

Mel Reinbott
Year Coordinator, Year 7 Teacher.
Name | Role | |
Jodie Brumpton |
Enrolments Officer |
Christine O'Connell |
Guidance Officer for Year 7 |
Karen Schoemaker |
Year Coordinator, Year 7 Teacher |
Mel Reinbott |
Year Coordinator, Year 7 Teacher |

Guided School Walkthrough

Silent School Walkthrough

Bring Your Own Device
Highfields State Secondary College offers a flexible BYOD environment for students and parents. Our current uptake of student BYO ownership is greater than 90%, with the majority of students utilising their own personal devices at school for educational purposes. Highfields State Secondary College utilises BYO devices on a daily basis, allowing students to interact with online learning environments, completing online research tasks, accessing emails and developing assessments electronically.
For further information in participating in the BYOD program, please review our BYOD documents, additionally parents can access our official BYOD Portal.